Inspire me

Woooooo. This post is coming to you from beyond the time barrier and was actually written late on Friday night because I wasn't sure if I could get near a computer long enough to post while I'm away...Wooooooo.
Enough silly. I love art, particularly pencil drawings. It must be all those days I spent at school doodling in the back of my exercise books. I love to pick up a pencil and sketch out all the weird things that pop into my mind. In fact I think it's probably one of the best ways to get inspired.

Pull up a sketch book and feast your eyes on these cuties.



  1. These are so cute! I used to be a big doodler but now not so much. This post inspired me to doodle more, so thank you!

  2. I bought myself a couple of sketchbooks this week, but I'm not as good with a pencil as these peeps!
