A morning of cleaning; an afternoon of sewing

Oh boy, can I be a mess sometimes!

The flat was a complete pig sty thanks to the spur of the moment camping, hiking and biking trips we;ve done lately. There was stuff all over the place and I've finally caught up with the washing, so I feel rejuvinated in my tidy environment even if it did take forever to sort out.

Now comes the fun! Or so I thought...

I went to get some fabric and gathered bits and pieces for my sewing session. Top of my list was some cute fabric, which I got in the sale for 6 english pounds! How much of a bargain is that?! (Highly annoyed the keyboard has no pound sign)

Pretty <3

I was going to make a coin purse, but it's taken me all afternoon to get the Singer up and running, and by running I mean doing 5 stitches and then deciding it doesn't want to work... It's something to do with the bobbin shuttle not catching the top thread. It's being a little temperamental to say the least.

Original spool

Original manual

This is how grubby the inside cubby hole was. Yuck!

Hopefully tomorrow will give me a finished purse :)

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